광장의 시  Poems of the Squares  — 정세훈Jeong Sehun




광장의 시                                  (시인 : 정세훈)


역사의 진실은 민중의 피로 만들었고
역사의 거짓은 권력의 총칼로 만들었다네

1919년 3·1항일독립운동
1960년 4·19혁명
1980년 5·18민주화운동
1987년 6·10민주항쟁

피 서린, 피 서린, 피 서린, 피 서린,

총칼의 광장

진실의 역사가 민중의 피로 물들고
거짓의 역사가 권력의 총칼을 찬양한
덧없는 세월

2016년 11월
세상의 모든 시
수백만 촛불 되어
광장을 점령했네

어린아이여, 학생이여, 젊은이여, 늙은이여,
농부여, 노동자여, 회사원이여, 상인이여,

한 자루 촛불 되어
광장을 밝힌
광장의 시!

역사의 거짓을 만들어온 총칼 앞에
언제나 역사의 진실을 만들어온
흘린 피, 피, 피,
피의 광장을 밝힌 촛불들

헛바람처럼 휘둘러오는 권력 앞에
꺼지지 말자고
서로가 서로의 심지 깊은 심지에
불붙여 주며, 주며

광대하고 광활할
유구하고 영원할
신명나고 흥겹고 목청 좋은
대 서사시를 쓰고 있네.

제 아무리 강한 바람이라 하더라도
들풀들을 이긴 바람 없다고
쓰러뜨리려 하다가
쓰러뜨리려 하다가

일어서는 들풀에
소멸되어버리고 마는 것이라고

권력의 총칼 앞에
민중이 피로써
역사의 진실을 만들었듯
민중의 촛불은

다시 불붙고, 다시 불붙는 것이라고


Poems of the Squares     (Poet : Jeong Sehun)


Historical truth has been established with the blood of the people.
Historical lies have been established with the guns and swords of the powerful.

The March 1 Anti-Japanese Independence Movement in 1919,
The April 19 Revolution in 1960,
The May 18 Democratization Movement in 1980,
The June 10 Democratization Struggle in 1987—

Soaked with blood, soaked with blood, soaked with blood, soaked with blood,

The square of pro-Japanese power,
Abuse of power and corruption,
Military dictatorship,
And of guns and swords—

Time has flown by
While still
The history of truth has been soaked in the blood of the people,
The history of lies has praised the guns and swords of the powerful—

In November 2016
All poems in the world
Became millions of burning candles
And occupied that square.

Dear children, students, the youth, and the elderly,
Dear farmers, workers, clerks, and merchants,

Who became candles
And lit the square
Are the poems of the square!

In front of the guns and swords that have been establishing historical lies,
Candle-lights that brightened the square of blood—
The bloodshed, the bloodshed, the bloodshed,
The blood that has always established historical truth—

In order not to be put out
By the pathetically furious wind of power,
Candle-lights continue to light again and again
The wicks, deep wicks of each other’s candles,

And write a grand epic,
Majestic and vast,
Everlasting and eternal,
An exhilarating, elating, and beautiful-voiced epic

That tells us, no matter how gusty the winds,
They have never won out against the grass;
After trying to beat it down,
Over and over again,

The winds just
Die down,
As the grass rises up–
And up, over and over again;

As people establish historical truth
With their blood
Against the guns and swords of the powerful,
The candle-lights of the people

Will continue to be relit and to burn, over and over again.


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