백만 촛불A Million Candlelight Blossoms — 나해철 Na Haecheol



백만 촛불                 (시인 : 나해철)



네가 자라

진정 행복하다고 느낄 때면

백만 송이 촛불을 생각해다오



극한 경쟁하기보다는 서로 협동할 때

줄 세우기 교육 앞에

피어 있었던 불꽃을


작은 위험 요소도

미리미리 없애고 대비하는

안전한 사회생활을 할 때

무능한 국가 안전 관리 앞에

켜 있었던 불꽃을



자전거를 타고서 거리를 지나고

혼자서 시장을 볼 때

권위주의 탈법 권력 앞에

타올랐던 불꽃을


정치인과 관료들이 존경받고

지도층 인사들이

정직하게 솔선수범할 때

그런 자들의 불법과 무능과

부정직 앞에

끝까지 지지 않고 서 있었던




네가 자라

살아갈 이 나라를 위해

일렁이며 솟구쳐 올랐던

백만 송이 촛불을 기억해다오


광화문 광장과

세월호 광장에

세종로와 종로 위에

전국의 광장과 길 위에


비상식과 범법으로

깊이 병든

청와대 앞에

캄캄한 정부청사와 국회 앞에

헌법재판소 앞에


어둠을 이기며

횃불처럼 불타올랐던

할아버지 할머니

엄마 아빠

언니 오빠들의


백만 송이 불꽃을 상기해다오



A Million Candlelight Blossoms                  (poet: Na Haecheol)


My dear baby,

When you grow up,

And feel really happy,

Remember today’s one million candlelight blossoms.


When you are working together with your friends,

Instead of endlessly competing against them,

Remember the flames that were once blossoming

Up against the ranking-focused education.


When you are living in a safe society,

Where even a small cause of danger

Is eliminated, and prepared against,

Remember the flames that were once burning

Up against the incompetent state security system.


When the president

Passes by on a bicycle,

And goes shopping by herself,

Remember the flames that were once flaring,

Up against the authoritarian, above-the-law power.


When politicians and government officials are admired

And when the social leaders

Are honest and good examples,

Remember the flames

That never yielded, that persistently stood

Up against

Their predecessors’ unlawful and incompetent actions.


My dear baby,

Please remember

The one million blossoms of candlelight

That rocked and soared

For this country

In which you will grow up and live.


At Gwanghwamun Square

At Sewol Ferry Square

In Sejongno and Jongno streets

In the squares and streets of the entire country


In front of the Blue House,

Deeply sick,

Full of nonsense and criminality,

In front of the darkened government building complex and national assembly building,

In front of the constitutional court building


Remember those million blossoms of candlelight

Flaring like torches

While overcoming the darkness,

Inside the hearts of

Grandpas and grandmas

Moms and dads

Elder sisters and brothers


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