갑골문자Gabgol Munja*–권순자 시인


picture: Namsook Han

세월에 늙어 허약해진
앙상한 아버지의 모습을 보고
갑골문자를 떠올렸다
장대하던 기골이 세월에 말라
낙엽처럼 바스락거리고
대쪽처럼 꼿꼿하던 허리는
세월에 눌려 기진하여 휘었다
휘어진 등에 새겨진 세월의 흔적
날마다 딱딱해져가는 몸 굽혀
몸 깊숙이 새기신다.

점점 가늘어지고 바스라져
한때 정열을 쏟아 걸어온 길
먼지에 묻고
뼈에 새겨둔 삶의 진한 무늬는
음각화로 남아
찬바람에 꿈틀댄다.


(시집 <우목횟집> 2009)


Gabgol Munja*


Gabgol characters remind me of my haggard father
Old and weak from the passing years
His once grand frame
Now shrunk and gaunt
Rustles like dry leaves
His back, once straight like split bamboo,
Pressured by the decades
Is exhausted, and bent.

The marks of many years
Are inscribed upon his spine
Bending his body that harden day by day
He engraves time deep inside his body
Father has become scrawny and shattered
His long road, once traveled
With passion, is now dust
The journey deeply carved on his bones
His shriveled form
Shuddering in the cold wind.



Foot note: Gabgol Munja
Inscriptions on bone and tortoise carapaces


권순자 : 시인 1958년생 시집 [천개의 눈물]외 다수
Translatey Clara Soonhee Kwon-Tatum, Ph.D and Matthew Lewis, M.Ad b



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