지구가 살해되고 있다 (The Earth Is Being Murdered)- 정원도 (Jeong, Wondo)


지구가 살해되고 있다 (시 정원도, 번역 전승희)

썩은 잇몸에 기생하는 P진지발리스 균이
뇌세포를 장악하고 기억을 뺏어가는 알츠하이머처럼
지구도 급격히 자존을 상실해 가고 있다

허겁지겁 삼킨 식사가 위장을 망가뜨리고
그렇게 체한 공장들과 자동차들이 뿜어대는 매연에
숨쉬기조차 힘겨워진 지구가 헐떡이네
과잉생산과 과잉소비가 촉발한
대책 없는 발열에 몸살을 앓다가
마침내 일어날 기력도 없이 병들어가네
신음하고 있네

지구 살해범들이 가장 흉악한 연쇄살인범으로
기록될 것이네

The Earth Is Being Murdered

As if suffering from Alzheimer, which the p. gingivalis virus, living in
decaying gums,

Causes by controlling brain cells and taking away memory,
The earth is rapidly losing its existence.
The earth is panting, becoming breathless,
Because of exhaust gases emitted by factories and cars,
Whose stomachs become upset by foods swallowed too hurriedly.
After suffering from sickness and uncontrollable fevers
Provoked by overproduction and overconsumption,
Finally, the earth is lying on a sick bed, devoid of strength,
And moaning.
The murderers of the Earth will be recorded
As the most heinous of serial killers.



Translated by Seung-Hee Jeon (literary critic and translator, editor of Asia: A Magazine of Asian Literature)

Featured photo by Han, NamSook


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