광장의 바다로 가다  Going to the Square, Going to the Sea — 박재웅Park Jaeung)



광장의 바다로 가다                               (시인 :박재웅)


광장으로 간다

강이 되어 간다

촛불 속으로 간다


어두웠거나 축축한 골방을 나와 스억스억

앞서라 뒤서라 않아도

저마다 식어진 심장에 불을 붙여

어둠의 소굴로 쿵―쿵 달려간다



눈 감지 못하고 맞이한 아이들 검은 시간의


물속에서 처절히 꿈을 잃은 나비들 곁으로



가서 돌아오지 못하더라도

썩고 거짓된 도적 세상

뜨거운 심장 하나로 맞서 죽더라도

차가운 바닷속에 수장된 진실에

눈감을 수 없어

이제 더는 ‘가만있을’ 수 없어 광장으로 간다


날아보지 못한 아이의 날개로

물대포에 멎어버린 농민의 심장으로

감옥에 갇히고, 쫓겨난 노동자의 얼굴이 되어 외친다


도적이여, 날강도여, 어둠이여, 보이는가?

고사리 손부터 백발의 주름 손까지

손에 손에 든 촛불들

분노로 넘치는 촛불의 강을

생명이 타올라 새 생명이 부활하는

이 광장의 바다를





Going to the Square, Going to the Sea         (Poet : Park Jaeung)


We are going to the square.

We are going as a river.

We are going into the candlelight.


Gliding and drifting, out of our darkened and damp back rooms,

Without anyone telling us to go ahead or behind,

After setting fire in our cooled hearts, one after another,

Thumping, thumping, we are running toward the den of darkness.


To the sea

Of the dark time, which our children had to face

with open eyes,

We are going, heartbroken,

Toward those butterflies that lost their dreams under water[1].


Even if we won’t be able to return from there,

From the rotten and deceptive world of thieves,

Even if we die confronting it with only our burning hearts,

We go to the square, because we can no longer “stay still”[2]

As we cannot close our eyes

To the truth drowned in that cold sea.


We shout, flapping the wings of the children who could never fly,

From the heart of the farmer that stopped because of a water cannon,[3]

With the faces of the workers imprisoned and fired.


You, thieves, you, robbers, you, darkness, can you see?

The candlelight

In the hands after hands of everyone,

From the cute, tiny hands of young children to the wrinkled hands of the gray-haired;

The river of candlelight, overflowing with wrath;

The sea of this square,

Where the lives burn only to flare up again and revive as new lives.




[1] This stanza refers to the Sewol ferry disaster.

[2] Students in the Sewol Ferry were told to stay where they were after the ferry began sinking. Although many of them did not follow this instruction and escaped to survive, those who obeyed the official announcement drowned.

[3] This refers to an incident in 2015 in which a 68-year-old farmer, Baek Nam-gi, was struck by a police water cannon while protesting during an antigovernment demonstration and died afterward in a hospital.


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