별국Star Soup –write by 공광규(Kong Kwangkyu)





가난한 어머니는
항상 멀덕국*을 끓이셨다

학교에서 돌아온 나를
손님처럼 마루에 앉히시고

흰 사기그릇이 앉아 있는 밥상을
조심조심 받들고 부엌에서 나오셨다

국물 속에 떠 있던 별들

어떤 때는 숟가락에 달이 건져 올라와
배가 불렀다

숟가락과 별이 부딪치는
맑은 국그릇 소리가 가슴을 울렸는지

어머니의 눈에서
별빛 사리가 쏟아졌다


*멀덕국: 멀건 국


Star Soup

Penniless mother
always made poor man’s soup

When I returned from school
she sat me down on the floor like a guest

Leaving the kitchen carefully cradling
the dinner tray with a white china bowl

The stars that floated in the soup

Sometimes a moon got scooped up in my spoon
and I was full

As if the rattling of the the spoon and the stars
against the bare dish resounded in her heart

a starlight śarīra* fell
from my mother’s eye


*a Buddhist relic found in the ashes of Buddhist spiritual masters resembling pearl or crystal.




Translated by Cate Boram with Ko, YuJin


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