술병은 잔에다
자기를 계속 따라주면서
속을 비워간다
빈병은 아무렇게나 버려져
쓰레기장에서 굴러다닌다
바람이 세게 불던 밤 나는
문 밖에서
아버지가 흐느끼는 소리를 들었다
마루 끝에 쪼그려 앉은
빈 소주병이었다
Soju Bottle
Liquor bottles constantly pour
themselves into glasses
emptying what’s inside
Empty bottles get tossed carelessly
and roll around
on the street or around the dump
On a night the wind blew hard
behind the door
I heard my father weep
I went out to look
and lying fraily at the edge of the floor
was an empty soju bottle
Translated by Cate Boram with Ko, YuJin