폐선 A Scrapped Boat- 권순자 시인


Picture : NamSook Han



파도 따라
출렁이던 시간이
멈추었네 상처 가리고
울고 있는 낡은 몸 붉은
노을 아래 헐벗은 채 누워
지난 날 되새김질하네
짐승의 포효로 천지를

흔들던 폭풍우도
스산한 겨울
바람이 실없이
입질하는 바닷가
부스스한 몰골은
폐경 지난 여인의
어깨처럼 얇은
쉽게 젖네

현기증 일던 한 시절의 정열도 푸석하니 말랐네 물고기 펄펄 뛰던 뱃 칸엔
빗물 고여 눈물처럼 침침하네 고래의 날숨 내쉬며 파도를 가르고
아침노을을 열어젖히던 기개는 삭아 바람이 되었네 물새도
지나쳐가는, 바닷가에 부착된 정물이네 토막
난 과거라네 바다가 밀어낸, 뱉어낸,
지쳐 갈 곳 없어 모래톱에 박혀
깡마른 뼈가 된 거라네


(시집 <우목횟집> 2009)


A Scrapped Boat


The heave and flow of the boat’s time
Has stopped, covered in scars, its aged body crying
It lies poorly clothed under a red-glowing sky
Ruminating on past time
The storms, which once shook heaven and earth
With animal roars, have gone
The wind blows uselessly against the winter-bleak beach
An unkempt figure gets wet quickly even in sunlight
As thin as the shoulder of a woman
Whose menopause has passed

Once dizzy with youthful passion
It now crumbles on the dry sand
Belowdecks, where the day’s catch once flopped
It is now dim, rain pooling like tears in its depth
Its spirit, once unyielding
Blasting through gushing waves like spouting whale
Cutting through the morning’s glow
Is now worn thin by the years

It is now a still life
Even the birds fly over
It’s unperturbed
It’s the past, cut into pieces
Rejected and vomited up by the ocean
With nowhere to go
Like bare ribs embedded in the sand
It has grown frail, haggard



권순자 : 시인 1958년생 시집 [천개의 눈물]외 다수
Translatey Clara Soonhee Kwon-Tatum, Ph.D and Matthew Lewis, MA




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