Meet the Translator : Professor 전승희 Seunghee Jeon





Seung-Hee Jeon is a literary scholar and critic as well as a leading contemporary translator of Korean literature. Her articles include “War Trauma, Memories and Truths: Representations of the Korean War in Pak Wan-so’s Writings and ‘Still Present Pasts: Korean Americans and the “Forgotten War,’” published in the December 2010 issue of Critical Asian Studies. Her translations include the 2016 Man Booker Prize-winning novelist Han Kang’s Convalescence (2013) and Bang Hyeon-seok’s fiction Time to Eat Lobster (2016), which was selected for “75 Notable Translations of the Year” by World Literature Today. She has been honored with a Fulbright Grant, a Korea Foundation Fellowship, and two Daesan Foundation Translation grants (2011 and 2016). Based in both Boston and Seoul, she is a lecturer at Boston College and a senior editor at Asia Publishers.



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