Korean Poetry Reading—UMASS Amherst Campus




[koreanlit.com]에서 처음으로 시낭송회를 합니다.
번역된 시가 웹사이트로 소개되지만 이러한 이벤트가 없으면 알려지기 쉽지 않지요. 근처에 계시는 분은 미국인 친구들을 모시고 오셔서 한국의 문학과 노래를 만나시기 바랍니다. 여러분들의 작은 후원이 한국문학을 세계로 뻗어나가게 합니다.

Korean Poetry Reading
[Where modern Korean literature meets the world]

Friday, April 21, 2017, 7:00-8:30 PM
UMASS Amherst : Campus Center Rm #162-75

With great enthusiasm, the Korean Cultural Service of Massachusetts and the Korean International Student Association invites you to explore the boundaries of modern Korean poetry and music. We hope you enjoy the event; thank you for coming out and supporting our first Korean poetry reading.

Poets :  Han, Hae-young  /  Jang, Suk-ju  /  Jeong, Han-yong  /  Lee, Jae-mu
Translated by :  Jeon, Seung-Hee  / Ko, Yu Jin  / Lee, Hwahyun
Clara Soonhee Kwon- Matthew Lewis – Kwon, Soonja
Jeong,Hanyong – Seth Feldman
Korean Songs :  Choi,Haesoon / Choi, Jiwon / Sungjun Kim / Esther Lee

Event Collaboration –Korean International Student Association
Korean Cultural Service of Massachusetts (koreanlit.com)

Supported by: Amherst Grace Church


for more information contact: heeju yoo / 978-846-8172


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