Who Lives Inside the Calendar?-Write by Park, Somyeong






Who Lives Inside the Calendar?

There are the dates,
Squeezed within
Time kernels.

There also lives a mouse
Nibbling secretly
Away through the dates.

Already, while you are having fun,
Already, when you look around after a day of fun,
Dates have gone by and become empty.

I would like to raise a squirrel
Who can pack the dates
Tightly and neatly with chestnuts.



달력 속에는 누가 사나


시간 알맹이로
꽉꽉 채워진
날짜들이 살고 있지.

날짜 속을
몰래몰래 갉아먹는
생쥐 한 마리도 살고 있지.

놀다 보면 어느새
놀고 나면 어느새
텅 비어가는 날들

날짜 속에 알밤을
차곡차곡 재워 넣는
다람쥐 한 마리도 키우고 싶다.


Translated by Lee, Hwahyun with Jeon, Seung-Hee


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