최인걸Choe In-geol(I Sing Again the “Song of Praying for Death in...

Choe In-geol: I Sing Again the “Song of Praying for Death in Battle”     Dost Thou still remember me? My bloodshot voice being revived again and again, As a...

주세죽Ju Se-juk- Write by 송경동 Song Kyun-Dong

  Ju Se-juk   Living through the turmoil of modern Korea And on the heavy seas of world history, She Had had to achieve independence over and over again.   Early on,...

Not Just So…– Write by Lee, Jeonglock

Not Just So...   Horses’ rumps are not plump Just so that you can whip them Rabbits’ ears do not stick up Just so that you can grab them Not...

Resources / Travel


What’s Lost and Found in Translation: Korean Poetry and the Case...

  Yu Jin Ko Wellesley College What's Lost and Found in Translation: Korean Poetry and the Case of Ko Un   One way or another, all translators of poetry contend...