Forest that were put into Rhino – Kim,Hye-joo Kim (Artist)



2606 x 97.0 cm  oil on canvas 2005

It is still vivid in the mind of the competitive days when I fought against the fate.
I painted pictures frantically in the fierce cold.
Even though my life deceives me, I will survive by swallowing this world with my passion and strength.
I call upon the rhinos that is inside me.



Kim Hye – ju painter. Born in 1967. Graduated from the Department of Painting, Chugye Univ. She studied art in India from 1994 to 1996. Starting with the first solo exhibition, he has 11 solo exhibitions and a group exhibition of married couples.


Traslator :Suk,Jae-yeun
(Korean Student Translation Team at Massachusetts State University)


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